Policies and Compliance


Here you will find information that covers all of our campuses. Current families can find policies specific for your campus, on ParentSquare.

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Aveson School of Leaders LCAP

Aveson Global Leadership Academy LCAP

Uniform Complaint Procedure

Aveson Schools UCP

Notice of Assessment and Accountability Waiver Letter

ASL & AGLA ESSA Waiver Announcement

ESSER III Expenditure Plan

Aveson School of Leaders ESSER III Plan

Aveson Global Leadership Academy ESSER III Plan

Interim Expenditure Report for the Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant

Aveson School of Leaders

Aveson Global Leadership Academy

Food Supplier & Distributor RFP

Food Supplier RFP

Homelessness Liaison & Information

Aveson School of Leaders (ASL) Xochilt Garcia, School Registrar

Aveson Global Leadership Academy (AGLA) Sally Spangler, School Counselor