
  • Heartwarming, Expressive & Powerful Evening for Cultural Celebration

    Thank you to everyone that joined us on Friday, January 20th for our first Cultural Celebration! It was so heartwarming to see the AGLA and ASL communities coming out to spend an evening together, listen to some incredible original poetry, and share food. Having both the advisors and students read poems that spoke to their identities, expression, and lived experiences was so powerful.

  • An Exciting Time for Aveson

    We've spent the last 20 months evaluating programs and strengthening our core vision to be the best school possible. Our community is essential to our success and collaborating is a big part of The Aveson Way. By working together, we can ensure that we live up to Aveson's promise for our kids.

  • Community Building Day!

    Today we celebrate our fifth and sixth graders who joined together to explore our AGLA campus and Aveson Acres! Last week, our fifth graders spent a morning rotating through sixth grade classrooms doing STEM challenges, Jeopardy, poster making, and "getting to know you" activities!

  • Top Educator to Lead Aveson Performing Arts Initiative

    Aveson Global Leadership Academy (AGLA) has announced the hiring of a leading arts educator to head a new performing arts initiative for students enrolled in the charter school located in Altadena.

  • Aveson Expands Board to Reflect Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Aveson Charter Schools announced the expansion of its board of directors from five to eight members. The newly expanded board reflects the school’s larger initiative to more fully represent the diversity of the communities Aveson serves, according to a statement on the expansion.

  • Global Leadership Elective Takes Message On-Air

    KPCC’s Take Two visited AGLA’s global leadership elective to interview them about their election initiative to educate the community about voting and encourage citizens to exercise their right to vote.